Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Prince and the Servant Girl

For my observe and infer assignment I decided to watch the scene The Prince and the Servant Girl from the Cinderella-esque film Ever After starring Drew Barrymore, and characterize her part as Danielle.


Wearing tattered clothes, has dirty face, and long dry hair

Sleeping on the dusty wooden floor next to the dim fire

Reading Utopia

Works on foggy farm collecting apples

Throws apples at a man stealing her father’s horse

Instantly bows and asks for forgiveness once she realizes it is the prince

Offers the prince a different horse

Offers the gold coins to another servant to save her husband from the Americas

States she “won’t let this home fall apart”

Lies about where she was during the morning to her stepmother


She is unfortunate and too poor to have higher living standards such as a room and a bath

The fact that she is reading shows that she is literate and intelligent

She must work hard to maintain the estate and upkeep her stepfamily’s living standards

She is aggressive and won’t let anyone take advantage of their estate

She has morals against theft and is determined to protect the estate

She is confident

She is obedient in the presence of royalty and follows the laws of the country

She is pragmatic and thoughtful

She is also kind, generous, and selfless as she is willing to give up the gold coins for another’s happiness

She is strong-minded and the core of the household

She tries to avoid unnecessary conflict

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